Name |
Seed Pod |
Description |
Seeds |
Seed Close-up |
Germination Method I Used |
Seedling |
Asarina antirrhinifloraScrophulariaceae Climbing Snapdragon |
Seedpod is long and thin. Seeds are flattish ovals. Several seeds in a pod. |
Autumn Propagator (8 days) |
Asarina erubescens
ScrophulariaceaeCreeping Gloxinia |
Seedpod is round, inside the calyx. Seeds are small, papery, brown. Many seeds in a pod. |
Spring/Summer Inside/Deno (19-27 days) |
Asarina purpusiiScrophulariaceae Trailing Snapdragon |
Seedpod is round, with a point, inside the calyx. Seeds are flat, brown, velvety. Many seeds in a pod. |
Spring Inside (9 days) |
Asclepias incarnata Asclepiadaceae Swamp Milkweed |
Seeds are warm brown drops with a papery rim. Many seeds in a pod. |
Summer Inside (27 days) |
Asparagus densiflorusAsparagaceae Foxtail Fern |
Seedpod is a red fleshy berry. The seed is a woody ball. One seed in a berry. |
Winter Propagator (20 days) |
Asphodelus fistulosusAsphodelaceae Asphodel |
Seedpod is a ball. Seeds are small, segment-shaped, dark brown. Few seeds in a pod. |
Winter Outside (63 days)Spring Deno (51 days) |
Astragalus alpinusPapilionaceae Alpine Milkvetch |
Seedpod is like a tiny peapod. Seeds are tiny green, yellow or dark brown balls. Several seeds in a pod. |
Nick & soak seed Summer Outside/Inside (4-29 days) |
Astrantia majorApiaceae Masterwort |
Seeds are like grooved grains of wheat with a tuft at one end. Many seeds from each 'flower'. |
Winter Outside (58-94 days) |
Atriplex hortensisChenopodiaceae Red Orache |
Seedpods are brown papery discs clustered along the flower stalk. Seeds are brown balls. One seed in each pod. |
Spring Propagator (5 days) |
Aubrieta hybridsBrassicaceae Aubrietia |
Seedpod is like a tiny peapod. Seeds are small dark brown balls. Several seeds in a pod. |
Winter Outside (12-23 days)Inside (10 days) |
Aurinia saxatilisBrassicaceae Gold Dust |
Seed pod is round, white and papery, with two chambers. Seeds are small yellow discs. 2 seeds in a pod. |
Winter Outside (12-31 days)Summer Deno (3 days) |